Year: 2023

If I was to join the army letter

if i was to join the army

Today I went to the army. I am a soldier in ww2. I had to get up really early it was a very sad day for me today lots and lots of pepole around me died
I went to Africa to fight germans.I am really scared. I saw some animals today like zebras,African elephants,african buffalos. It was really cool but at the same time weird. I have been sent to another country and I have elephants around me .It is busy today and there is no water. There’s sand everywhere and it is really dry. I feel scared. I will miss my bed and family. Has Bob made it to the basketball team?
Well, I have to go to war now.
 goodbye for now


Kia Ora today we made an acrosstic poem but it was Christmas themed because it is nearly Christmas time. I really enjoyed it it was really fun maybe you guys should try it.


Candy canes hanging on the tree 

Hats on peoples heads                                                                      

Reindeer flying the slay 

Ice skating as the snow falls                                  

Stockings hanging on the fireplace 

Tinsel hanging on the tree 

Mrs Claus wrapping the gifts 

And family coming for dinner 

Santa Claus is coming to town


Groove Pizza

hello today me and Eva had  made a music thing on groove pizza from the leaning journey we have been doing activity’s  on the learning journey for a while now so we have had a lot of activity’s but today was groove pizza  which is a music thing here is the link to groove pizza


Candy canes hanging on the tree                                         

Hats on peoples heads 

Reindeer flying the slay 

Ice skating as the snow falls

Stockings hanging on the fireplace 

Tinsel hanging on the tree 

Mrs Claus wrapping the gifts 

And family coming for dinner 

Santa Claus is coming to town




Hello today we had to do a acrostic poem about Christmas and had to add a picture of something related to Christmas. It was really hard to think of words to got with the letters down the side some letters were easy to do maybe you should try it.