Samoen week

hello today we did this reading task about Samoan week. There were these different tasks that you had to do. so i did it in my book. It was also really easy to do it didn’t take long to do some of the tasks were hard to do but the longer you looked at the task for and read it more it was easy  to understand and do. My favorite task to do was the miss and match it was really tricky  cause you didn’t know which English word went with the Samoen word but it was fun.

2 thoughts on “Samoen week

  1. Hiii Billie!
    I really like your DLO about the Samoan language week.
    I like how you put a lot of information in your description to tell us what your DLO was about.
    Did you think about learning more about the dances in Samoa?
    Maybe next time you could fix your spelling bc it’s spelt like Samoan not “Samoen”
    Overall this was great!
    Have a good day Billie and keep up the good work!

  2. Hello Billie, this is a good post.
    There was some good drawings in the post, but there was not much information in the post. Also you spelled Samoan wrong, so next time maybe check your spelling next time?
    Have a good day.

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