Day: June 28, 2023


On June 27th we went to room 16 to learn about what to do encase of an emergency. There was a girl  named Nikki and she Thought  us how to do c.p.r. and what to do if someone was unconscious. We also learnt about what to do if someone had a stroke you can use fast it stands for Face Arm Speech Take action and. D.R.S.A.B.C. that stands for Danger Response Send for help Airway Breathing C.p.r. when you use C.p.r a good way to know you are doing it right is to hum row row row your boat. you never know what could happen so it is good to know what to do in case of an emergency.

Did you know that when some one is unconscious you should never leave them on there back you should turn them on there side by putting there  right hand up by there ear then the left hand over there belly. Then there left leg up then you want to place your hands on there knee and shoulder then turn theme over. Then once you have tuned them over you want to put there left hand out on the floor and then there left leg out on the floor like a break. It will help them to not fall back the reason you put them on their side is so that if they are sick it doesn’t go back done. And possibly make the situation worse or choke and then stop breathing. But on there side if they are sick it will just come out. you should also get two knuckles and rube them on there collarbone.

you should learn about stuff like this because you never know when you have to deal with something like this.