My Cheers Leading Diary Entry

Your own diary entry:


Dearest kitty 

Me and Brooke have been busy with our cheer girls cause they are performing at an assembly in front of everyone next thursday. They have nothing done so me and Brooke are busy coaching them harder and harder each day which makes me and Brooke tired and the girls. We are very busy today as we are training them for 30 mins because they have nothing done but the introduction which is still not done properly so we are busy getting things ready making sure the intro is good and getting a routine and ending done today. Brook and I are hoping to get a lot done today due to the  fact that it is in a couple days and they have nothing done. So today we are working on trying to get the whole routine if we can or at least half.


Today Brooke left all the girls are upset. A Lot of the girls are not listening and they only have three days left to form a routine it is kinda hard to help them cause they are not listening they are looking around they are yelling at each other and it is very stressful all the girls want brooke to come back i want her to come back to cause it is stressful.


On Thursday this week the girls will be performing in front of the whole school and so we are trying to do as much practice as we can get but I told the girls that if they don’t listen I will be leaving. The girls will be having to practice during school and after school.  


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