Anne Frank Diary Entry

Kia Ora today we had to write a diary like and Frank we wrote it about what it was like if we were Anne Frank having to hide from the Nazis.


Dearest Brooke, 


It feels like forever since Friday night we had to run from the Nazis . We had to peck up and run. We don’t know how long we will be here for but hopefully not long. I already miss my home. I hope we can go back soon. 


We have had some people bring us some food and drinks. We were glad we started to get hungry and thirsty. We asked if they could bring us some blankets and pillows and keep bringing us food and drinks. They said they would. I am so happy.


Our friends told us we might be here for a while as they are still after us and it has been a month. I was sad when we were told that we might be here for a while I asked if they could bring us something warm cause i was starting to get cold it is freezing outside. 

One thought on “Anne Frank Diary Entry

  1. Kia ora Billie-Rose,

    I enjoyed reading your letter. You’ve captured the worry and uncertainty that Anne would have felt in the time of moving into her hiding place. You captured the hope that she would have had. Well done.

    Keep up the great learning and blogging,
    🙂 Sharon – Te Ara Tūhura Education Programme Leader

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