Haunted House

The night was still, an eerie silence filling the air. The crows’ wings flapped as they returned to their nest, breaking the quiet. The ghostly silhouette of the house, with rickety stairs, made Lucy nervous. Her heart thumped, matching the crow’s beat. Crows with sharp beaks and staring eyes always unsettled her. As she approached the rotten stairs, the crows watched, tilting their heads towards the house. Lucy wondered what they were up to… she started to get scared so she hurried in the house. She shut the door as fast as she could as soon as she shut the door she heard a noise behind her she turned around but nothing was there she slowly stepped forward she couldn’t see anything as it was dark the mysterious sound happened again she looked behind her nothing was there she started to get terrified she speed forward and she found something glowing it was a torch she walked back outside and she was safe…


Kia Ora today we made a writing about a haunted house we got to start it with a story starter and had to write 100 words it was really easy writing 100 words.

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