Category: Hanga | Create

Anne Frank Diary Entry

Kia Ora today we had to write a diary like and Frank we wrote it about what it was like if we were Anne Frank having to hide from the Nazis.


Dearest Brooke, 


It feels like forever since Friday night we had to run from the Nazis . We had to peck up and run. We don’t know how long we will be here for but hopefully not long. I already miss my home. I hope we can go back soon. 


We have had some people bring us some food and drinks. We were glad we started to get hungry and thirsty. We asked if they could bring us some blankets and pillows and keep bringing us food and drinks. They said they would. I am so happy.


Our friends told us we might be here for a while as they are still after us and it has been a month. I was sad when we were told that we might be here for a while I asked if they could bring us something warm cause i was starting to get cold it is freezing outside. 

Haunted House

The night was still, an eerie silence filling the air. The crows’ wings flapped as they returned to their nest, breaking the quiet. The ghostly silhouette of the house, with rickety stairs, made Lucy nervous. Her heart thumped, matching the crow’s beat. Crows with sharp beaks and staring eyes always unsettled her. As she approached the rotten stairs, the crows watched, tilting their heads towards the house. Lucy wondered what they were up to… she started to get scared so she hurried in the house. She shut the door as fast as she could as soon as she shut the door she heard a noise behind her she turned around but nothing was there she slowly stepped forward she couldn’t see anything as it was dark the mysterious sound happened again she looked behind her nothing was there she started to get terrified she speed forward and she found something glowing it was a torch she walked back outside and she was safe…


Kia Ora today we made a writing about a haunted house we got to start it with a story starter and had to write 100 words it was really easy writing 100 words.

Rich Math Task

a 600 ML jar is 1/3 full of water.

if the water is poured into a 300 ML jar what fraction of the jar will it fill.

How I solved it

I draw a jar and I split it into 3 and in each 3 spaces is 200 then I split the smaller one into 3 and in each space is 100. so the answer is 2/3



My Cheers Leading Diary Entry

Your own diary entry:


Dearest kitty 

Me and Brooke have been busy with our cheer girls cause they are performing at an assembly in front of everyone next thursday. They have nothing done so me and Brooke are busy coaching them harder and harder each day which makes me and Brooke tired and the girls. We are very busy today as we are training them for 30 mins because they have nothing done but the introduction which is still not done properly so we are busy getting things ready making sure the intro is good and getting a routine and ending done today. Brook and I are hoping to get a lot done today due to the  fact that it is in a couple days and they have nothing done. So today we are working on trying to get the whole routine if we can or at least half.


Today Brooke left all the girls are upset. A Lot of the girls are not listening and they only have three days left to form a routine it is kinda hard to help them cause they are not listening they are looking around they are yelling at each other and it is very stressful all the girls want brooke to come back i want her to come back to cause it is stressful.


On Thursday this week the girls will be performing in front of the whole school and so we are trying to do as much practice as we can get but I told the girls that if they don’t listen I will be leaving. The girls will be having to practice during school and after school.  


Te Reo

Kia Ora,

Today we are making a DLO about what we have learned in Te Reo Maori from Term 1 and 2. I decided to make a DLO about months of the year and days of the week.

If I was to join the army letter

if i was to join the army

Today I went to the army. I am a soldier in ww2. I had to get up really early it was a very sad day for me today lots and lots of pepole around me died
I went to Africa to fight germans.I am really scared. I saw some animals today like zebras,African elephants,african buffalos. It was really cool but at the same time weird. I have been sent to another country and I have elephants around me .It is busy today and there is no water. There’s sand everywhere and it is really dry. I feel scared. I will miss my bed and family. Has Bob made it to the basketball team?
Well, I have to go to war now.
 goodbye for now